I liked Tri, should I get this MHFU?

Goddamn gamefags logs me out every sec, I am posting this here and try later on.

After I got the Ceadus armor things got boring, online players keep dieing on me, I don't have many friends playing. My weapon of choice is the Switchaxe, which is not in this game. Chacha was not annoying, but those felynes never shut up in the demo. I prefer to play offline, how good is the offline mode in this one? Will I like this game?
Too bad MH3 portable is going to be released in Japan later this year, I'd expect more than a year delay for an English release.


Oh, hi people, my last post was about Demon's Souls, beat it and I really loved it, they just announced Project Dark in Tokyo Game Show. Been playing lotta of games since. Got Resident Evil Gold Edition, playing a little Valkeria Chronicles, little Super Street Fighter IV.

Hakumen is awesome, my first time seeing him was in Ragna's arcade, Ragna was scared and I was like, yeah yeah, but I'll beat him easily anyway, he was easy enough till he 2-hit combo'd me taking half of my health bar, then I got nervous, what the hell did just happen? Renka+ Kokujin: Shipuu = awesome.