I beat Valkyria chronicles few weeks ago, it wasn't so bad. I kinda liked it, but it gets boring in some levels, something seems missing, not sure what. Chrono Trigger DS seems a solid port, need to beat it, hopefully I'll find time, I also signed up for Aramex US mail box and order some yugioh cards, kinda expensive, they will be comming in about two weeks. I also bought FFXI and played a little, it wasn't a very bad game, its just too old. many MMORPGS has done the menus better. I also tried shin megami tensei: innocence the online one, well, its an okay, but I'm still uncertain, Persona 4 is downloading now, need to try it. In the past month I've been hooked up on osu! I loved it, fucking awesome, everything, lovely, I attained rank 268 or something online. Lovely game, must try it. I played Robo's theme on it, it is awesome, and a miserable try to make beatmaps, its kinda hard though. I've downloaded strike witches, wtf man, pantless lolis with jet boots fighting aliens with katana and eye patch, someone need to get his head patched. Also no One Piece last week, makes me sad. :(
Still Alive
Its been a while since I blogged something, and there is just many things, so I'm just gonna post what comes to my mind first, I'll probably forget lots of stuff. So we had Eid last week, I was out of town on the first day, didn't see many people. I went to Oman, ther were poor people there, even though they are poor each one we met invited us, and each one gave us a whole sheep for dinner. I met The Scar, an 65 old man, yet he is faster than myself. I am playing Lost Odyssey nowadays, the wall of texts dream are awesome, I shed tears few times, the battle, walking arounf, and cut scenes are slow, so slow that its boring, I wouldn't mind if they nerfed the features/graphics and increased the speed. The ring fighting system is uhh.. not bad, and not good either, enter all character's command at the same time? wtf man, that was like 15 years old system, I hate it. The action ring system and score extra effects? not bad, but Shadow Hearts has done it better. Graphics are good, load times suck, I won't even try installing, 360 games aren't optimized to be installed. Character designs, well, I hate it. The hero, an immortal who lived oer 1000 years, wearing a metal armor that covers the top on his chest with half of his back's skin shown, and also his belly button, wtf man? the heroein has a stand up afro hair, just no. Anyway, I'll try to beat it, its on 4 duel layered dvds, WHY?
Soul Calibur IV
First day after I got back from Japan, the 12th of August, I got it, I played it against my brother. awesome graphics, but I was kinda sad. Nightmare is much much weaker. :(
The story mode is short, I liked that, makes it easier to beat the game with all characters, but it was WAY predictable, few lines about story, usually background, five levels, usually outnumbered but easy, final boss is Nighmare, Sieg or Algol, then a very short cutscene, some of them are really crappy. Story wise, the game does not tell much.
Arcade: your normal 8 level 1 vs 1, weapons effects off.
Tower of lost souls: alternative for weapon master, seems short, but some levels are hard, you need customized characters to fight in here. still stuck at the 59th floor, each floor has a condition, if you fulfill it you get a piece of equipment, or gold if you already bought it. Descending is like survival, HP recovery sucks, I think you need to be hit a 3hit combo if you want HP to recover, wtf. HP drain is better, but even Drain A (the best available) doesn't drain as much as it used to be, I reached b40s or something with good defense, hp drain and Astroth, he does really heavy damage, and the AI doesn't seem to guard most of his slow attacks, dunno why.
Online is fucked up, or at least for me, he swings his sword after a whole second after I input it. I'll try to get the honors, then never play it again, unless it is somehow fixed.
Creation isn't bad, better graphics, but kinda sucky in two parts, if you want powerful character you have to give up the looks, and second is the slots for equipments, there used to be more slots in SC3, like top underwear and bottom underwear, now it is merged to one, so many males end up wearing torsos directly above their skin, which looks kinda gay. And other slots like three levels of armor. You can adjust the build and muscularity, cool, I wish I can adjust the height too. And maybe add some scars, their are 6 voices and a lever of pitch, in SC3 there used to be 4 voices and each had two diffrent personallities (good/bad) now it is less. Male faces looks bad and few (facial hair comes with the face) And you have to choose the weapon when creating the character, can't switch it in the character selection scree, speaking about that, the icons are cool, there is still an empty space, I don't like the little card when choosing the custom, its kinda small.
In the end, I like the game, but I expected more.
The story mode is short, I liked that, makes it easier to beat the game with all characters, but it was WAY predictable, few lines about story, usually background, five levels, usually outnumbered but easy, final boss is Nighmare, Sieg or Algol, then a very short cutscene, some of them are really crappy. Story wise, the game does not tell much.
Arcade: your normal 8 level 1 vs 1, weapons effects off.
Tower of lost souls: alternative for weapon master, seems short, but some levels are hard, you need customized characters to fight in here. still stuck at the 59th floor, each floor has a condition, if you fulfill it you get a piece of equipment, or gold if you already bought it. Descending is like survival, HP recovery sucks, I think you need to be hit a 3hit combo if you want HP to recover, wtf. HP drain is better, but even Drain A (the best available) doesn't drain as much as it used to be, I reached b40s or something with good defense, hp drain and Astroth, he does really heavy damage, and the AI doesn't seem to guard most of his slow attacks, dunno why.
Online is fucked up, or at least for me, he swings his sword after a whole second after I input it. I'll try to get the honors, then never play it again, unless it is somehow fixed.
Creation isn't bad, better graphics, but kinda sucky in two parts, if you want powerful character you have to give up the looks, and second is the slots for equipments, there used to be more slots in SC3, like top underwear and bottom underwear, now it is merged to one, so many males end up wearing torsos directly above their skin, which looks kinda gay. And other slots like three levels of armor. You can adjust the build and muscularity, cool, I wish I can adjust the height too. And maybe add some scars, their are 6 voices and a lever of pitch, in SC3 there used to be 4 voices and each had two diffrent personallities (good/bad) now it is less. Male faces looks bad and few (facial hair comes with the face) And you have to choose the weapon when creating the character, can't switch it in the character selection scree, speaking about that, the icons are cool, there is still an empty space, I don't like the little card when choosing the custom, its kinda small.
In the end, I like the game, but I expected more.
Have I writted about Japan?
Hmm... its kinda late now, I think I'll forget few things, but here goes. My trip was from July 24 to August 11, first 10 days I was in Shibuya, first night we had dinner with Taku-san, my first few hours impression was, wow we are in Japan cool, I think the second day we went to Shinjuku, it wasn't that great, yeah, I don't like crowded places very much, then we visited Asakusa, it was very crowded, they had some kind of festival, there was awesome fireworks, but it was so crowded, kinda sucks. We went Ginza, the brand street, I really hate brands, so I didn't like the place too. after about four days, and SCIV sms being released. I really wanted to go home, I hated the place. Then it was suggested that each can do his own way, I felt releifed, I really hated the "get lost" plan, the crappy plan of we go some place and walk around aimlessly and waste time. So I stayed in Shibuya and played in the arcades, I liked Tekken 6 and Street Fighter 4. Next we went to Akihabara, ah, that place made me change my mind again about Japan, the Yodobashi camera store was awesome, many small anime and game stores, SCIV was on display. I bought few action figures and came back on a later date to buy more. I went to few more places in Tokyo like Fuji tv, we had eaten in many kinds of resturants, some of Sushi is awesome, and some is bland or tastes kinda gross, mugen always exaggerate about things in Japan, he lie, yes, things are cool, but not that much.
We rode the Shinkansen to Kyoto, we slept in 16 tatami room, it was hmmm... cool, but kinda expensive. Kyoto was hotter than Tokyo and less crowded. It was good.
We rode the Shinkansen to Kyoto, we slept in 16 tatami room, it was hmmm... cool, but kinda expensive. Kyoto was hotter than Tokyo and less crowded. It was good.
Late anniversary
Well, late better than nothing. Can't beleive its been a year since I started using blogger, since I converted from gaiaonline blog crap, so yeah, congratulation to me with no hits what so ever, maybe a single comment, and yeah like always, nobody gives a damn about someone else's life story, so horaay!
Anyway, these idiots at my workplace just peid back tenfold, they were annoying as fuck, the next day (today) mr manager brought few guests with him, they were loud alright, but at least they had much better slang than the other fellows, I really really hate the way they talk, it breaks my thoughts to pieces, my concentration is lost, and they just hit the enter button as load as they could, great, like his life depends on how hard he can smack it. I dunno where their fingers got this power, they must raise their hands above their heads to smack it that forceful. I need to spy on them to make sure, or not, they look gross. Not only because it is hot here, but they also smell, they eat silly fartfart things. GGAAHAHAAA!! they start talking again, they always intruppt each other, what kind of language is that? and they always pronounce the words wrong, damn its irritating! GAAAHHAH!! he laughed, I want to teleport somewhere else. STFU already!! Anyway about work, I've been here for about 9 months not counting the training time, this is quite a friendly place, but I hear much complaining about the salaries, I'm not married so I'm not worried. Going to Japan this weekend. I hope I have fun and forget about SCIV until I return, I reserved few days from work to play this shit. Add me on PSN: Atmey. I have a europeon account, so I dunno if I connect to people in the US. I don't have the game yet, I'll but whichever available, the only uncertainty is the LE. If its only a T shirt and an art book I can pass. Its not my size anyway. So yeah, see you when I get back.
Anyway, these idiots at my workplace just peid back tenfold, they were annoying as fuck, the next day (today) mr manager brought few guests with him, they were loud alright, but at least they had much better slang than the other fellows, I really really hate the way they talk, it breaks my thoughts to pieces, my concentration is lost, and they just hit the enter button as load as they could, great, like his life depends on how hard he can smack it. I dunno where their fingers got this power, they must raise their hands above their heads to smack it that forceful. I need to spy on them to make sure, or not, they look gross. Not only because it is hot here, but they also smell, they eat silly fartfart things. GGAAHAHAAA!! they start talking again, they always intruppt each other, what kind of language is that? and they always pronounce the words wrong, damn its irritating! GAAAHHAH!! he laughed, I want to teleport somewhere else. STFU already!! Anyway about work, I've been here for about 9 months not counting the training time, this is quite a friendly place, but I hear much complaining about the salaries, I'm not married so I'm not worried. Going to Japan this weekend. I hope I have fun and forget about SCIV until I return, I reserved few days from work to play this shit. Add me on PSN: Atmey. I have a europeon account, so I dunno if I connect to people in the US. I don't have the game yet, I'll but whichever available, the only uncertainty is the LE. If its only a T shirt and an art book I can pass. Its not my size anyway. So yeah, see you when I get back.
The big four
Metal Gear IV
Soul Calibur IV
Street Fighter IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
I played two of them, I'm waiting for the rest. :D
This is the last week of college, finally I be free from studies. I still working as a develer, which is kinda lame. I'm taking an annual leave this month and might go to Japan, I'm not much excited, yeah, I figured out I might be dragged there someday, so why not now? Its not that I hate the place, I think its just kinda over-hyped. ah, when I'll go there I'll figure it out.
Soul Calibur IV
Street Fighter IV
Grand Theft Auto IV
I played two of them, I'm waiting for the rest. :D
This is the last week of college, finally I be free from studies. I still working as a develer, which is kinda lame. I'm taking an annual leave this month and might go to Japan, I'm not much excited, yeah, I figured out I might be dragged there someday, so why not now? Its not that I hate the place, I think its just kinda over-hyped. ah, when I'll go there I'll figure it out.
So he left
"Bzzt bzzt" a short vibrating, I figured out it was a message, I took the phone from my pocket "Oh its from my father, hmm.. seems that a person died, too lazy too go to peop.... ... ..." I was blank for few minutes. It not like I wasn't expecting this, he was sick from a long time, but still, it feels heavy. I feel guilty for not visiting him much lately, too bad I didn't understand most of his words too. But don't you worry grandfather, your children are successful people.
Damn you cigarette
God forgives you great captain.
Damn you cigarette
God forgives you great captain.
A story
I'm bored so I'll write a story:
One day a man was young and he grew up. The end.
.. nah
lets trying to write an entry in a diffrent style, bland I did and I was does not work. and was done is even blander.
"Kimiga kokoware ano tatchi nano nana ~"
I opened my eyes, leaned on the side, extended my reach to the coach and grabbed the k800, pressed the left button then the right button (used to click left rapidly so I set it to snoze by mistake), the music has been shut down, I still feel lazy, closed my eyes ... ... The first dungeon of wild arms V music echoed in the room, ah, the hidden weapon to make sure I wake up. But I'm still lazy. I managed to sit, I couldn't open my eyes fully, I grabbed my heavy new glasses (I still feel one lens is zoomed in more than the other), washed my face, changed my clothes, remembered vitaen C I saved from yesterday, remembered if I have to sit and watch OP with my brother today, hmm... remember my schedule, gotta sit after the class to finish up the project, grab my dresses from the tailor, and grab my other glasses. I thought I was early today, but I was just on time. must get even earlier. Walked by the giant hall, saw these guys, I dunno, I don't say Hi so I think they think of me as an arrogant person. I'm just too lazy/shy to do something out of the ordinary, all thanks to that damn lousing teacher of mine, I was just shaking my hand during class (I was in a good mood) and he was shouted at me, made me stand up, I don't remember if he hit me or not, but its possible. Any, my hand reached to pocket, swiftly passed it in front of the attendance machine, that was fun. Got in the elevator, waited a little, the worst thing to happen that you wait for like 5~10 minutes and there is a woman who just came and forces her way into, I just the stairs when there is one waiting, yeah a little huff huff but better than awkward moments. Anyway, I said hi when I got into the section, sat at my computer, checked forums, email, nothing but extra ordionary. Did what I'm supposed to do, test and write manuals, yeah, I'm lazy I did the test only sat the rest of the day exploring, manuals just suck, nobody reads them, let alone reviewing. So I was just so damn bored with the lousing internet connection (look a could not contact blogger for saving error, thanks) and webfilter, I think they check my history and block every page I get into, like I can visit an internet page one time only. I still have doubts that this post will be published. Anyway, thats where I currently am from this day, I wish I could write the future.
It was fun writing all this details.
One day a man was young and he grew up. The end.
.. nah
lets trying to write an entry in a diffrent style, bland I did and I was does not work. and was done is even blander.
"Kimiga kokoware ano tatchi nano nana ~"
I opened my eyes, leaned on the side, extended my reach to the coach and grabbed the k800, pressed the left button then the right button (used to click left rapidly so I set it to snoze by mistake), the music has been shut down, I still feel lazy, closed my eyes ... ... The first dungeon of wild arms V music echoed in the room, ah, the hidden weapon to make sure I wake up. But I'm still lazy. I managed to sit, I couldn't open my eyes fully, I grabbed my heavy new glasses (I still feel one lens is zoomed in more than the other), washed my face, changed my clothes, remembered vitaen C I saved from yesterday, remembered if I have to sit and watch OP with my brother today, hmm... remember my schedule, gotta sit after the class to finish up the project, grab my dresses from the tailor, and grab my other glasses. I thought I was early today, but I was just on time. must get even earlier. Walked by the giant hall, saw these guys, I dunno, I don't say Hi so I think they think of me as an arrogant person. I'm just too lazy/shy to do something out of the ordinary, all thanks to that damn lousing teacher of mine, I was just shaking my hand during class (I was in a good mood) and he was shouted at me, made me stand up, I don't remember if he hit me or not, but its possible. Any, my hand reached to pocket, swiftly passed it in front of the attendance machine, that was fun. Got in the elevator, waited a little, the worst thing to happen that you wait for like 5~10 minutes and there is a woman who just came and forces her way into, I just the stairs when there is one waiting, yeah a little huff huff but better than awkward moments. Anyway, I said hi when I got into the section, sat at my computer, checked forums, email, nothing but extra ordionary. Did what I'm supposed to do, test and write manuals, yeah, I'm lazy I did the test only sat the rest of the day exploring, manuals just suck, nobody reads them, let alone reviewing. So I was just so damn bored with the lousing internet connection (look a could not contact blogger for saving error, thanks) and webfilter, I think they check my history and block every page I get into, like I can visit an internet page one time only. I still have doubts that this post will be published. Anyway, thats where I currently am from this day, I wish I could write the future.
It was fun writing all this details.
Independent Learning Week. It should be a week to do projects, but we always take it as a holiday and end up cramming everything in the weekend, and that weekend stars today.
Gaming life: I got Dynasty Warriors 6, I dunno if the game is going downhill or for the better, new combo system, just mash X (360) on the herd and Y on the bosses, no global equipments, powerups, or body guards, only horses, which isn't THAT useful making playing a character the first time always suck, exp and level up, instead of just drops, now everytime you slay 100 you get 100 exp. No ultimate weapons, great graphics, and NO SWORD (fang) FOR XIAHO DUN!! oh God, he is like a fat bastard without his lightning fast wide ranged fang. :(
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: I think it was a bad idea to include THAT many characters, every chapter you play as someone else, I don't know why I am leveling up the old ones, and I really hate it when the enemy have 1percent chance of critical and HITS it :( . can't be a great tactician with all these unexpected events, sometimes I wished I played it on easy instead, and the my favorite class nevered showed up: mercenaries. I'm currenty stuck at Elencia's end game.
Anime: watched baccano, as awesome as I heard. loved it. watch it for yourself.
Career: still being ignored and not very much depended on, ah, but what can be done. Many sites are being blocked here too.
Ah, its nice to write something, even though knowing no one will read it, it serves as memories.
Looking forward for: Persona 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Soul Calibur 4. The great four from cramartie, the last one was a joke.
Gaming life: I got Dynasty Warriors 6, I dunno if the game is going downhill or for the better, new combo system, just mash X (360) on the herd and Y on the bosses, no global equipments, powerups, or body guards, only horses, which isn't THAT useful making playing a character the first time always suck, exp and level up, instead of just drops, now everytime you slay 100 you get 100 exp. No ultimate weapons, great graphics, and NO SWORD (fang) FOR XIAHO DUN!! oh God, he is like a fat bastard without his lightning fast wide ranged fang. :(
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: I think it was a bad idea to include THAT many characters, every chapter you play as someone else, I don't know why I am leveling up the old ones, and I really hate it when the enemy have 1percent chance of critical and HITS it :( . can't be a great tactician with all these unexpected events, sometimes I wished I played it on easy instead, and the my favorite class nevered showed up: mercenaries. I'm currenty stuck at Elencia's end game.
Anime: watched baccano, as awesome as I heard. loved it. watch it for yourself.
Career: still being ignored and not very much depended on, ah, but what can be done. Many sites are being blocked here too.
Ah, its nice to write something, even though knowing no one will read it, it serves as memories.
Looking forward for: Persona 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Soul Calibur 4. The great four from cramartie, the last one was a joke.
Grilled fish, rice, lime, and fat. Its been a while since I ate it, I loved it.
Too bad India decided to stop exporting rice, well, bad news to read in the morning.
Someone has to do something with the dramatic price increases.
Too bad India decided to stop exporting rice, well, bad news to read in the morning.
Someone has to do something with the dramatic price increases.
I feel better
Not mentioning how I'm overstressed with college projects, class attendances, work projects, work peers hostility, no time to relax, no time for games, no time for anime, no time for movies, pressed by my family to do chores, steal of my land as their own (well, I'm getting the house for free in exchange), not being able to fix my car 100%, need to do service for my car, disappointment of persona 4 on ps2, and everything else. I feel good, well, now I remember these not as good.
My cousin came, we brawled, still undecided on best character, might be Ike.
Diamond gave birth to nice 4 kittens.
My cousin came, we brawled, still undecided on best character, might be Ike.
Diamond gave birth to nice 4 kittens.
A while...
Its been, so I was and still busy, I got smash but I don't have much energy to spout about it, I'm alive and something. yeah, thanks, thats for today.

I told you to never go outside, I locked you up but you looked so cute I let you go. How many times we brought you back in? Must you make us cry? You were in my room just yesterday, I bet your sister wondering where you are now.
And now I am staring at your grave.
(Mocha and Diamond)
Ran over by a car.
I almost died today.

I didn't feel anything, I've been some dangerous driving when an idiot showed up, so yeah. I'm unharmed, but my car is heavily damaged, or not that heavily, but it'd cost me to fix. I guess I learned my lesson today: never speed up in a road with many idiots, even if its the widest in the nation. I was doing 140km/h or so.
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